Publication of NVR data in 2017
- We are currently analysing the elective infra-renal AAA repair and carotid endarterectomy data that will be published at NHS trust and individual consultant level. This should be published at the end of July.
- We are also planning our 2017 Annual Report, which will be published in November 2017. We are looking to expand on the results produced as part of the Consultant Outcomes Programme, and also present results on the other procedures from the NVR.
- Therefore, please can you ensure that your 2016 data for complex AAA repairs, emergency AAA repairs, lower limb angioplasty, lower limb bypass and lower limb amputation are submitted to the NVR by 31st July 2017.
New outcomes section of VSQIP website
- We have been developing the outcomes pages of the VSQIP website over the last few months. The new pages are due to go live next Tuesday.
- The pages will contain trust and national level results that were originally published in the 2016 annual report.
- The aim is to provide the results in a manner that is more friendly to patients and the public.