In 2014, the Registry published NHS trust and surgeon-level information for elective infra-renal AAA repair and carotid endarterectomy together on in Surgeon Outcomes. Publishing this information on the Registry website is a change from our previous approach of publishing results only as downloadable (.pdf) reports. This approach has various advantages, not least in making the information more accessible and allowing for it to be updated more easily.
The Registry will continue to publish an annual report to provide an overall “State of the Nation” picture of major vascular surgery.
However, this approach was not followed in 2014 because there were delays in the provision of Hospital Episode Statistics to the NVR, and this had a knock-on effect of delaying the publication of the organisational and consultant outcome information on the Registry website.
Consequently, the Registry has produced this progress report:
- To provide information on the care delivered by the NHS at a national level that complements the information already published on the VSQIP website
- To give an update on the various developments within the National Vascular Registry.
The Registry will publish its next annual report on the overall “State of the Nation” picture for major vascular surgery in November 2015.