Online Reporting
Learn how to access and use the various online reporting tables and graphs that are available to users of the NVR IT system.
Download (PDF – 525kB)Quick Reference for Exporting
Cases entered into the NVR IT system can be exported into a csv file and opened in Excel or other statistical programmes.
The first guide below runs through the steps for a user of the NVR to be able to export their data into Excel and also lists some of the more important columns for data checking.
The second guide details the steps to export and analyse CLTI waiting time data that will be used in the CQUIN.
NVR Export Quick Reference Guide (pdf – 803kB) NVR PAD CLTI Self Analysis Guide (pdf – 893kB)Coding of complex AAA repairs on the NVR IT system
There has been a lot of uncertainty about the coding, and recording in NVD/NVR with regard to fenestrated endografts. Some units have been recording these as suprarenal aneurysms, to avoid their inclusion in analysis and publication of outcome data for elective infra-renal aneurysms.
The NVR will now allow us, through the recording of the procedural code as a FEVAR, to specifically exclude them from the publication of outcome data.
Therefore we would advise that, for those which are true juxta-renal or infra-renal aneurysms, that they are recorded as infra-renal aneurysms (using the OPCS code L27.1 and by selecting complex EVAR in the type of repair), with the supplementary/procedural code entered for FEVAR (O20.2).
Clearly if they are truly suprarenal (4 fenestrations/branched grafts) they should be recorded at such, by using the L27.2/L28.2 codes.
There has also been uncertainty about the coding and recording of isolated iliac aneurysms and limb extensions. For extensions, we are planning to alter the NVR to enable reintervention data to be recorded appropriately. In terms of coding, we will add the procedural codes for trans-luminal insertion of iliac stent to NVR (L54). However, it would seem appropriate, given the lack of a single OPCS code for the endovascular management of iliac aneurysms, to continue as most centres currently do, and to record these as aorto-iliac interventions (L27.6/L28.6).
NVR Data Dictionary
Main NVR Dataset Data Dictionary (xlsx – 80kB) PAD QIP CLTI Dataset Data Dictionary (xlsx – 12kB)NVR Database Guide
Designed for new users of the NVR IT system and explains the logging on process and where various features are within the menu.
Download (PDF – 778kB)AAA Devices and Revision Procedures FAQs
Download (PDF – 1Mb)How to record a major amputation following a lower limb bypass within the same hospital admission
This guide explains how the new feature developed in January 2016 works on the NVR.
The amputation record is ‘linked’ to the original bypass record, which improves functionality in data entry and in data analysis.
Download (PDF – 376kB)Migration of NVD data into the NVR IT System
Prior to the launch of the NVR IT system in December 2013, data for all procedures (apart from lower limb angioplasty) was entered on the National Vascular Database. We have produced a detailed spreadsheet that shows what data items from the old NVD have been transferred to the NVR, and how we mapped the similar data items.
Download (Spreadsheet – 71kB)Data Migration between NVD to NVR
Download (PDF – 305kB)Patient Frailty Score Guidance
In 2019 the NVR IT system was updated. One of the new data items that applies to all procedures is a patient frailty score.
If a formal frailty assessment was carried out using a validated scoring system, it should be possible to match the score to one of the NVR’s four categories:
- Not frail – well or managing well, routinely walking
- Mild frailty – evident slowing such as difficulty walking outside
- Moderate frailty – need help with some personal care or keeping house
- Severe frailty – Completely dependent for personal care
Please view the following validated frailty scores to see how their categories match to those recorded on the NVR:
Understanding Practice in Clinical Audit and Registries tool: UPCARE-tool
The tool is a protocol for audits and registries. It has been designed to provide a “one-stop” summary of the key information about how clinical audits and registries have been designed and carried out. It is designed help users of audit/registry data and audit/registry participants understand the methods, evaluate the quality and robustness of the data, and find information and data that is most relevant to them.
NVR UPCARE – Programme Level (pdf – 100kB) NVR UPCARE – Workstream Level (pdf – 160kB)Browser Language Settings
In order to record dates correctly when entering data into the NVR IT system, the language of your browser needs to be set to English (UK), rather than English (US). This document explains how to do this in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
Download (PDF – 287kB)